Monday, May 6, 2019

A whirlwind online love

It was the day that she didn’t expect, a magic that could be happening to anyone. She was scrolling an online dating app; not looking for any particular guy though, but was hoping she could find someone to date with.  Yes, she was single and unmarried with a teaching job that could eat up all her time. She doesn’t have time to find someone in real life because she too focused on her job and maybe because she’s hesitant to say yes to anyone.
He’s a good-looking guy with a very catchy bandana covered on his face and riding on a classic and manly motorcycle that was on his profile picture; the very first time she saw him. He lives in Brooklyn, but loves to travel anywhere in the world. He’s interested in a lot of things and very active; from baking to scuba diving. She does stuff like that too when she’s away from work. She goes clubbing and hangs out with friends just like him too, so maybe that’s the reason she finds him very interesting.
Days passed, they started chatting and exchanging compliments to each other. It was August 1 when they chatted and finalized their very first meet-up in real life, that time he was in Gouldsboro, Pennsylvania as his parents’ home; and, the time too that she participated, ‘The Chardonnay Run in New York-Hudson River Park Pier 26’ together with one of her best friends.  But then, they agreed and decided to date the next day.
The event was glorious and fun. In fact, at the end of the finished line, there was a wine and cheese offered. She and her best friend decided to continue the celebration at the local pub. They partied a little too hard and she ended up sleeping on a best friend’s couch that night. On the next day, she went home and recuperated from a hangover, and also hoping a message from him. She didn’t receive any messages from him at all and she felt a little dismay. She was really hoping, he’ll text back or update her but she received none. She started complaining to her mom that he’s not texting her the entire day and maybe he’s not interested anymore.  But her mom said, be hopeful child, maybe he texted you, but the messages didn’t go through successfully.
She was upset but still hopeful that her mom might be correct so she decided to continue waiting. She took a nap for a couple of hours to recuperate more, but around 7:04 in the evening, she received a message from him, quoting ‘I guess today was not good and I hope you’re okay’. She baffled, but then managed to text him back, ‘Yeah, I was waiting for you to let me know when you were leaving PA? And I hope you’re okay too’. He retorted right away, ‘So I guess you didn’t get my text message then that I was back in BK’. She responded to him, ‘No, I didn’t’. 
She’s still annoyed at that time and thought it’s a ridiculous excuse, it’s like ‘the dog ate my homework’ excused. But her mom laughed at it and she said, 'I'm exactly right'.
But then the guy proved her wrong, he sent her a screenshot of the message and it was sent around 2:04 in the afternoon. She was surprised and puzzled at the same time, about the missing message and him for being honest. It’s the first time for her to actually experience that kind of thing though. It was embarrassing and not a good impression for someone.
After a few exchanges of messages, they finally met-up around eight in the evening. She had no time to wash her hair but tried to keep it clean though. She pinned her hair half-up and remain the other half down. She wore a black sleeveless top with rib undershirt and blue jeans complemented with brown sandals. She chose to look simple to hide the hangover last night.
They met at Masal Café, a Turkish coffee shop in BK that she often visited it. It’s her favorite place to chill up because they allowed the customer to stay in the café for a longer time. She barely remembered the details of their conversation, but they hang out until after 10 in the evening. It was purely conversation only and they parted ways on extremely happy notes.
He texted her on the next day that he had a very good time with her, she couldn’t stop grinning because she felt the same way too. And he added, he was glad that he did send another message despite not receiving any texts from her. At her deepest thought, she didn’t receive any messages from him earlier that day.  If she did, she wouldn’t assume he changed his mind about her or was just moving along with someone else in the dating world.
They continue chatting and seem they’re comfortable with each other now. Then they dated again, it was fourth in August and this time another embarrassing moment. She accidentally left her wallet in her beach bag. But prior to that, she was at the beach the entire day and just ran home for a showered and changed; then drove back to their meeting place to pick him up. Actually, they’re going to Coney Island Beach- an open-air Resto on the boardwalk. It’s a nice place for a sea-site viewing where they offered a casual grab and signature cocktails.
When she’s about to park her car, she realized that she left her wallet at home. She felt panic and he felt it too, that something’s wrong. He asked, ‘Are you okay? ‘And, she responded, ‘Oh, I think I left my wallet at home’. He just responded to her with a teasing smile and said ‘I guess we need to have a third date so you can pay me back’ and they both chuckled.
They enjoyed the night and at the beach. And they managed to get in the Resto despite not having an id because she left her wallet at home. However, the friendly attendee suggested them to use the back door and they did it. It was an awesome night with someone so gentle and funny to be around. From there, they’re heading to L & B Spumoni Gardens, a Family-oriented Italian Style eatery in Benson Hurst, Brooklyn. They have this unique square-shape pizza and a lot of interesting pizza flavor. While in the middle of a good time and chats, an ode middle-aged man with a quart of milk talking in gibberish and referring them ‘husband and wife’ most of the time. They couldn’t manage to correct him because he’s talking nonstop and the only thing they could do were to both smiles. It’s funny though because they’re just starting dating at that time, she didn’t expect that they’ll last long and ended her to be his fiancée.
Again, they had another date for the third times. And guess what? It’s the same venue, the last time she owed him for some drinks. They had a lot of fun than before and comfortably chatting to anything. Then they went for crabbing afterward in Sheepshead Bay. Actually, there were cockroaches’ everywhere and she couldn’t move freely because she wore flip-flops. But then, she manages to help him secure a crab in the net. He was successful catching the crab, he got one and they gave it away to the two other crabbers.
And from then on, he CRAB- tured her heart.