Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Wooden Ladder

A short story is written by Roxan F.

Thug! Screech! Boom! “Hahaha…Come and get me Abel!” A little bubble-eyed girl just shouted while climbing the stairs.
It’s a fine Monday morning where people are very busy lifting things to one of the vacant rooms at the back of Sophie’s house. Children are giggling and playfully running up and down the stairs that catch Sophie’s interest. Then suddenly, a young lame boy just called her,” hi sister!” with a wavy hand gesture. She did not mind the sister term, but what catches her attention most is the way how the boy walks. He walks haltingly as if he has hobbled between his legs.
     “Who are they? ‘What are they doing?’” Sophie wonders as she rolled her eyes with full of excitement. “I’ll definitely make friends with them today,” as she runs to the kitchen.
“ Dad! Dad! Where are you? ‘There are new people at the back of our house and new faces too.’ ‘Who are they Dad?’”, as she enters the kitchen where her dad cooks breakfast for them.
Dad answers her, “baby they are our new neighbor and there are new children too who can be your playmates soon.”  “ Really Dad? ‘Can I go outside and play with them now?’” as Sophie is jumping with excitement. “Oh, honey not now, no one can watch over you while you’re playing with them and mommy is not yet around too.”  His father continues to do his work, but Sophie is very stubborn. She keeps on tugging her dad’s hand to go outside, but her daddy keeps on ignoring her.
Then, when her mother arrives home, she suddenly jumps out into her mom’s arms. “Oh baby, how are you doing, did you have some fun today? ‘Did you visit Cassandra’s place?’” Mommy asks her. “No mom, I was here the whole time and daddy did not allow me to go anywhere because no one can babysit me.”  “Oh, I see, so you want me to accompany you to Cassandra’s place, but did you sleep already?” “Mom, can I sleep tomorrow, I really want to play outside with our new neighbor.” “New neighbor? Who?” Mommy asks her cryptically. “Yes mom, it's our new neighbor at the back of our house. ‘I want to go there! I want to meet them.’” “Later baby, I’ll ask your dad if you can go there, ‘okay?’”
Since, Sophie is not allowed to go outside; the new children (Abel ad Abigail) visit her instead.
Abel is a year older than Abigail. He is a lame child that has a problem with his right leg, but hyperactive. He keeps on moving around and grabbing things without asking permission.  Abigail is eight months older than Sophie. She is smart, bubbly and has huge eyes. She is also very active and keeps on asking nonsense questions that would irritate you eventually. Sophie is a bright, adorable little girl. She loves to play around and cookery is one of her most favorite things to do. Time passed so quickly and the children need to go home.
So Abel and Abigail kissed Sophie’s cheek and said goodbyes. Sophie is not use with goodbye, so she is stunned ad confuse. “Why do they need to go home now?” “Honey, it’s already dark outside and they need to   pass over the pavement. ‘Don’t worry your daddy will going to build a small ladder at the back of our house tomorrow, this will be the entrance and exit door for your friends.’” “Really mom, oh I’m so excited can’t wait up until tomorrow.”
Sophia has a good night sleep and she woke up very early. Thank God, it’s still warm outside and surely a sunny day- a perfect day to play around. 
She seems so excited and eager to check the ladder at the back. “Oh, wow, a new wooden ladder for me can’t wait to use this. ‘Hey, dad! Daddy! I have a new ladder now for my friends.’ ‘Thank you very much, I really love it,’” as she hugs her dad tightly and kisses her dad on the cheek.
Her foster dad loves her so much and most often spoil her with new toys while her foster mom pampers her with all of her heart.  She still remembers how tiny and fragile Sophia was, just a size of a twelve ounce of a cola bottle. She was only six-month-old premature when her parents delivered her at the Frasco’s residence. She has difficulty in breathing and has a lot of complications. They doubted if Sophia could live longer because of pneumonia and neonatal infections.  The couple struggled and gave up a lot of things for her to live on.  It’s how the way they love Sophia very much.  Everybody blames her biological father because he gave up his child and it’s so painful if Sophia will know the real story in the future.
Every 10 in the morning, Sophia will go down the ladder to meet up her new playmates that are supposedly her biological siblings, and four in the afternoon, Sophia will go up again.  It becomes a routine for her. Abel and Abigail are aware that Sophia is their little sister, but Sophia is not. She is too innocent for the truth, although she had a kind heart when she’s around with her siblings. Her foster mom can see that through.  It’s hurtful when she finds the truth, but more heartbreaking when she is just watching her siblings through the glass window.
The wooden ladder becomes the tool for her to meet her playmates, her siblings. She is able to know them better and her biological mom too. Sometimes, her real siblings wanted to emphasize something that they are related to each other.  But Sophia did not absorb it well. She looks up them as playmates only, even how Abel tried to call her sister in front of many people. 
Her foster parents love her so much and they will never instill her how irresponsible her biological dad is and how pitiful her siblings are. 

***The End***